Vision and Mission


3. Bible Distribution
The Bible Society of Botswana exists for one principal purpose, to promote the widest
possible effective distribution of the Holy Scriptures and Scripture related materials. It
is against this principal mandate that we work with the Churches, Christians, and
individuals in the distribution mandate. The Church is a very important partner in
achieving this honourable mandate and ensuring that the Scriptures are consumed,
and the people own the Bible.
4. Research & Development
All projects related to the research and development of:
a. Audience research to guide development of Scripture for Translation and
b. Methods to carry out Bible Advocacy that will help people interact with the
Word of God.
c. Products need for customers.
5. Translation and Literacy Development
Translation is the core work of the Bible Society. All projects related to the translation
of Scripture and Scripture related materials into vernacular languages by the
translation team (Local Community, Churches, Advisory Committees, Reviewers,
Board of Governors, Translation Partners, Translation Consultant, Translation Manager
and Translators).
To ensure sustainable Scripture engagement, in some areas, literacy projects become
a priority. We hope to establish Literacy Programmes which will anchor the Scripture
engagement initiatives beyond the translation project.
Translation Projects
Kalanga Translation Project Francistown Full Bible Launched -2018
Wayeyi Translation Project Maun On- going
Shekgalagadi Translation Project Kang On- going
Khwedam Translation Project Shakawe On- going
Botswana Sign language Bible
Translation Project
Maun On- Going

6. Publishing
After translation work is done then follows formatting, editing, graphics, typesetting,
computer assisted publishing, manuscript examination, printing/copying, and binding
of the Bible, Large Portion, NT, Gospels or portions of Scripture and Scripture related
materials. This can be done either in print or non-print.
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7. Sales & Distribution
This department of the Bible Society is in charge of all projects related to the purchase,
delivery, warehousing, product marketing, sales, dispatching, and distribution of
Scripture and Scripture related materials. This is done in two ways namely;
a. Sales – for retail and wholesale: This means sales above the fully absorbed cost;
b. Distribution – for subsidised and free distribution below the fully absorbed cost.
Generally, in the Bible Society context, this is understood as;
• “Retail Sales” is selling to people or church groups at normal recommended
retail prices usually in small quantities, sometimes with a small discount. The
Sales price net of discount should be higher than the fully absorbed cost.
• “Wholesale Sales” is selling to bookshops and other businesses, usually at a
larger discount to allow the trader to make a small surplus, usually in larger
The Sales price net of discount should be higher than the fully absorbed cost.
• “Subsidised Distribution” is selling below the fully absorbed cost, at a loss (the
amount of the loss is the subsidy) in order to sell at a price people can afford.
• “Free Distribution” is providing the Word of God at a zero-selling price. The
whole of the fully absorbed cost is the subsidy required to carry out a free
distribution through partnerships